red book

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Red Book (audio CD standard)

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CD Audio)
Red Book is the standard for audio CDs (Compact Disc Digital Audio system, or CDDA). It is named after one of a set of colour-bound books that contain the technical specifications for all CD and CD-ROM formats.
The first edition of the Red Book was released in June 1980 by Philips and Sony; it was adopted by the Digital Audio Disc Committee and ratified as IEC 908. The standard is not freely available and must be licensed from Philips. At the time of writing, the cost as per the relevant Philips order form (document no. 28/10/04-3122 783 0027 2) is US$5000. As of 2006, the IEC 908 document is also available as a PDF download for $210